Your Life Path Number Can Discover Your Destiny

Your life path number is the most important number in your numerology charts and is the only number that will never change. Based upon your birth date, your life path number provides insight into the foundations of your character.
Those born with the life path number one are the world’s natural leaders. Ones are driven and ambitious; they dream big and can usually be counted on to achieve their goals. Ones can be bossy and overbearing in some situations.
Life path number two is associated with peacemaking. Twos can’t bear conflict; they’ll go out of their way to mediate problems between friends and loved ones. Twos are excellent listeners but may suffer from anxiety or indecision when placed in competitive environments.
If you’re born under the number three, you’re probably happiest when engaging in creative pursuits. Threes are artists. They love self-expression in the form of music, visual arts, or literature. Threes don’t thrive under restrictive conditions, though, so avoid jobs that involve strict routines.
People born with life path number four are drawn to careers where they can organize or build things. They need very structured, regimented environments in order to be happy. Fours make good architects, engineers, or programmers. They don’t work well with people who are very expressive with their emotions.
The life path number five is most closely associated with idealism. Fives need to feel like they are making the world a better place. You’ll often find fives working for non-profits or political campaigns. Unfortunately, fives can also be impractical and noncommittal.
Those born with life path number six are most fulfilled in nurturing positions. Sixes will probably be most happy as parents. They thrive in caretaker positions like medicine or education. Unfortunately, this need to nurture makes it hard for sixes to say no to other people’s demands.
Life path number seven is tied to investigation and analysis. Sevens are natural observers of life and they make excellent detectives and scientists. Most sevens are introverts and don’t care for public speaking. People born under life path number eight are life’s managers. They are happiest when directing others.
Eights are usually organized and good at mediation. They sometimes have a tendency to become overbearing. Those born under life path number nine are best known for their charisma.
Nines make excellent actors or politicians and they usually have vast social networks. Sometimes, nines can be manipulative.

And here is the link where you can calculate life path number – Numerology – Life Path Number Calculator

Also in numerology your name can reveal information about you.

Here is the link to online calculator that will provide your numbers (Inner Self, Soul Urge and Expression Numbers) – What Your Name Can Tell

The First Script with Google Apps

Google provides many other powerful applications besides search engine. Many people use Google Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, and Sheets. Google Apps Script lets you do even more with Google. All on a JavaScript platform in the cloud.

Here is how you can create the standalone script.

  • Open browser at
  • Select Blank Project.
  • Type Logger.log(“Hello World”); inside default myFunction

So you will have the following function:
function myFunction()
{ Logger.log(“Hello World”); }

  • Click on Run and then myFunction to run this script
  • Click on View and then Logs to view output of this script.

In this case we used Logger object to have script to print to console. Below are few links for resources about Apps Script

This was a very simple basic script but it is showing how quickly to start with google scripting.
In the future we will look at more practical scripts.

How to Write to a Google Spreadsheet with a Perl Script

Google Docs is one of many cloud computing document-sharing services and provides an alternative to MS Office applications such as MS Excel. This post will show how to write data to Google Docs Spreadsheet and read data back from the same spreadsheet using perl programming language.

Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet application that lets you create and format spreadsheets and simultaneously work with other people. Here are the links for more information:
Overview of Google Sheets
Create and save a spreadsheet

First you need to create spreadsheet where the script will put some data. You need Google account for this. To create a new spreadsheet, go to your Google Drive , click the red ‘Create’ button, and select ‘Spreadsheet’ from the drop-down menu. As soon as you name the spreadsheet or start typing, Google Sheets will automatically save your work every few seconds.

At the top of the spreadsheet, you’ll see text that indicates when your spreadsheet was last saved. Now when you have spreadsheet you can call it in perl script by its name and write data to it. Perl module Net::Google::Spreadsheets provides all needed functions to do this. Below is the basic script that is opening spreadsheet, iterate through several rows and columns, multiply row index by column index and put it to the cell. Then it iterates again and read the values and print them to screen. Obviously you need to put real account information, spreadsheet and sheet names into this script to run it.

use Net::Google::Spreadsheets;
my $service = Net::Google::Spreadsheets->new( username => ‘xxxxxxx’, password => ‘xxxxxxx’ );
my @spreadsheets = $service->spreadsheets();
my $spreadsheet = $service->spreadsheet( { title => ‘spreadsheet_name’ } );
my $worksheet1 = $spreadsheet->worksheet( { title => ‘Sheet1’ } );

# get a cell
my $cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => 1, row => 5});
# update input value of a cell
$cell->input_value(‘new value’);
# print the value of cell
my $cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => 1, row => 5});
print “\n”;
print $cell->input_value;
print “\n”;
for($i=1; $i<4; $i++) { for($j=1; $j<4; $j++) { $cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => $i, row => $j}); $cell->input_value($i*$j);
} }
for($i=1; $i<4; $i++) { for($j=1; $j<4; $j++) { $cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => $i, row => $j});
print $cell->input_value;
print ” “;
print “\n”; }

To test that it really put values to spreadsheet you can access your spreadsheet at any time by opening your spreadsheet at Google Drive after you run perl script. So now we can create different programs that export or import data to spreadsheet.


4 Free Alternatives To Microsoft Excel by Richard Wilson on May 8, 2013

Boost New Year Success with Bite-Sized Resolutions

Featured Article By Wendy Betterini , Freelance Writer

A new year can be an exciting and motivating time to set new goals, but most people tend to bite off more than they can chew by vowing to tackle every dissatisfying area of their lives at once – which inevitably leads to frustration when they realize that old habits aren’t so easy to change.

If the thought of setting traditional “too big to imagine” New Year resolutions overwhelms you, you may be more comfortable with a miniature version to start. If so, read on for a much easier, simpler version of New Year resolutions that practically guarantees your success.

1) Setting Smaller Goals
The first thing to acknowledge is that you can’t take on every area of your life simultaneously and magically transform it into the dream life you desire. Forget trying to quit smoking, lose 50 lbs., meet your soulmate, start a new business, and add $100 a week to your savings account all at once. It’s perfectly acceptable to have such goals in mind for the long-term, but first you have to start taking smaller steps.

Take a few minutes to think about the most important goals you have for the new year (try tackling just one or two at a time), and then consider ways to break them down into smaller goals. For example, a goal to lose 50 lbs. of excess weight can seem like a daunting challenge – but what if you broke it down into a smaller goal of losing 10 lbs. in January, 10 lbs. in February, and so on until you reach your goal weight? It seems much less intense, doesn’t it?

2) Focus on the Action Steps
Rather than basing your perception of success or failure on the RESULTS you achieve each day, instead try focusing on the action steps themselves. If your goal to lose weight involves cutting back on refined and processed foods, drinking more water, and exercising for 20-30 minutes each day, you can tell at a glance whether you are sticking to your plan or not. If you are, you are making progress. If not, you may need to adjust your plan to better fit your lifestyle. Set an appointment with yourself for a weekly review and pay special attention to old habits of self-sabotage that might get in the way of your goal.

3) Expand Over Time
After a few weeks have passed and you are consistently working on your new bite-sized resolutions, you may feel ready to start expanding your original plan. You may decide to increase the length or intensity of your workouts, add in a few daily action steps on other goals, or otherwise shift gears and broaden your horizons. Simply follow the same bite-sized process above and avoid taking on more than you can reasonably handle. A good rule of thumb is to consider what you know for sure you can handle each day, and then make a list of “extra credit” actions you can take if you have time and energy left over.

Resolutions Are Not Just for the New Year As you may have guessed by now, you don’t have to wait for a new year to begin setting goals and improving your life. Try setting new goals every month, or mini-goals every week. Consider what you would like to accomplish during the next week or month, create a plan for doing so, and get moving on it with consistent effort. Before long you’ll be feeling so empowered from all the progress you’re making that transforming every area of your life will seem much more possible – as long as you do it one step at a time.

Adding Stock Market Data to a Google Spreadsheet with a Perl Script

In the previous post it was shown how to download stock data data prices into Google spreadsheet using perl script.
This post will extend this script by considering situation when we just want to add the latest data to the existing spreadsheet with the data downloaded previously. For example first time we can download data for the last 3 month and then going forward in the future each day we will need only to add data for the previous day or days that are not loaded yet. This will significantly save time on upgrading process.

Below is segment of code that is used for adding new data to the existing spreadsheet with previously downloaded data. We call this mode = “ad”. In this mode we find blank row and then put values for the record that is matching to blank row number.

For this to work we need always have the same start date for our downloading data set.
if ($mode eq “ad”)
{ for($i=2; $icell({col => 1, row > $i});
if ($v eq “”)
{ for($j=1; $jcell({col => $j, row => $i});
} } }
exit; }
# end of if $mode = “ad”

Here is the whole script. To run it first time you need disable the line $mode=”ad”; by putting # in front of $ sign.
Then remove # so it will run in the addition of data mode.
Don’t forget also put your email, password and document / spreadsheet title names.
use Finance::QuoteHist;
#if first time download data into empty sheet $mode =””;
#if adding data to the sheet with previously downloaded data $mode=”ad”;
#disable this line if first time download data
$q = Finance::QuoteHist->
new ( symbols => [qw(IBM UPS AMZN)], start_date => ‘8/18/2013’, end_date => ‘today’, );
foreach $row ($q->quotes()) { ($symbol, $date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row;
$date =~ s/\//-/g;
print “$symbol, $date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume \n”; $data[$count][0]=$symbol;
$count=$count+1; }
use Net::Google::Spreadsheets;
my $service = Net::Google::Spreadsheets->new( username => ‘’, password => ‘xxxxxxx’ );
my @spreadsheets = $service->spreadsheets();
my $spreadsheet = $service->spreadsheet( { title => ‘titlename’ } );
my $worksheet1 = $spreadsheet->worksheet( { title => ‘Sheet_name’ } );
if ($mode eq “ad”) { for($i=2; $icell({col => 1, row => $i}); $v=$cell->input_value;
if ($v eq “”) { for($j=1; $jcell({col => $j, row => $i}); $cell->
input_value($data[$i-2][$j-1]); } } }
exit; }
# if $mode = “ad”
$cell = $worksheet1->
cell({col => 1, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => 2, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => 3, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->
cell({col =>4, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->cell({col => 5, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->
cell({col => 6, row => 1});
$cell = $worksheet1->cell({col =>7, row =>; 1});
for($i=2; $i { for($j=1; $jcell({col => $j, row => $i});
} }
Now we can use this script for downloading and updating data on regular basis.