Online Resources for Neural Networks with Python

The neural network field enjoys now a resurgence of interest. New training techniques made training deep networks feasible. With deeper networks, more training data and powerful new hardware to make it all work, deep neural networks (or “deep learning” systems) suddenly began making rapid progress in areas such as speech recognition, image classification and language translation. [1]

As result of this there are many posts or websites over the web with the source code and tutorials for neural networks of different types and complexity. Starting from simple feedforward network with just one hidden layer the authors of blog posts or tutorials are helping us to understand how to build neural net (deep or shallow).

To help to find needed python source code for neural network with desired features the website Neural Networks with Python on the Web was created.

Please feel free to add any comments, suggestions or advise the link to neural network web page (python source code) via the comments box on this page.

1. Why artificial intelligence is enjoying a renaissance

How Can We Use Computer Programming to Increase Effective Thinking

Once a while we might find ourselves in situation when we think “I wish I knew this before” , “Why I did not think about this before” or “Why it took so long to come to this decision or action”. Can computer programs be used to help us to avoid or minimize the situations like this? Having background in computer science I decided to look at human thinking patterns and compare them with the learning computer algorithms.

The situations mentioned above as well as all our actions are result of our learning and thinking. Effective thinking and learning drive good decisions and actions.

As mentioned on Wikipedia [1] – “Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.”

Learning very closely connected to thinking. New information often can lead to new thoughts or ideas and during the thinking process we often come to the need to learn something new, to extend our knowledge.

Thinking is a process of response to external stimuli, and if thinking is effective it results in changes to or strengthening of world views, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, behaviours, skills, understanding, and knowledge.
Thinking and learning have the same outcomes, so have to be very closely related.” [2]

Current computer algorithms can be very intelligent due to the latest advances in computer sciences. Computer programs can learn information and use this information for making intelligent decisions. There are a number of computer fields associated with learning. For example machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning successfully provide computer algorithms for learning information in many different applications.

After learning computers make decisions based on learned information and programming instructions created by programmers.
Computers can not think (at least as of right now). Human beings can think and they are very flexible in the process of making decisions. For example they can get new ideas or apply knowledge from totally different domain area.

While computers can not think, the computer programs can be very flexible – nothing stop us from combining several algorithms to cover all or most of all possibilities, nothing stop us to produce more intelligent program.
Just simple example – program can sort apple from pear based on color, or it can use color and shape. In the second case it will be more intelligent and more accurate. If needed we may be could add even more attributes like weight, smell.

Humans have the ability to think and foresee some future situations but not always use this ability. Often people make actions following same patterns or following other people or just picking the easy or random option. It can work well but not always. And here computers can help to humans – as the computer machines can access and process a lot of information and calculate different alternatives and choose optimal solution.

Computer programs use algorithms. Scientists create algorithm and then it coded into program. Can algorithm be created for increasing effective thinking? Different people use different ways of thinking , even for the same problem. However even for different problems, we can see common thinking patterns like following from simple to more complex, dividing the something complex into smaller pieces or using similarity. Some patterns are used often some not. Can we program those patterns? In the next post or posts we will take a look at learning and thinking patterns in the context of how they are programmed for the computers.

1. Wikipedia – Learning
2. The Relationship Between Thinking and Learning

Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-4

Clustering Text Data
In previous post Bio-Inspired Optimization was applied for clustering of numerical data. In this post text data will be used for clustering. So python source code will be modified for clustering of text data. This data will be initialized in the beginning of this python script with the following line:

doclist =["apple pear", "cherry apple" , "pear banana", "computer program", "computer script"]

Here doclist represents 5 text documents, and each document has 2 words. However any number of text documents or words in document can be used to run this script.

After initialization the text will be converted to numeric data using vectorizer an tfidf from sklearn.

The number of dimensions will be the number of unique words in all documents and defined as

The source code and results of running script are shown below. Here 0,1,2,3 means index of document in doclist. 0 means that we are looking at doclist[0]. On right side of the numbers it is showing centroid data coordinates. All indexes that have same centroid belong to the same cluster. Last line is showing fitness value (2.0) which is sum of squared distances and coordinates of centroids.

So we saw that text mining clustering problem was solved using optimization techniques, in this example it was bio-inspired optimization

Below you can find final output example. Here 0,1,2,3 means index of data array. 0 means that we are looking at data[0]. On right side of the numbers it is showing centroid data coordinates. All indexes that have same centroid belong to the same cluster. Last line is showing fitness value (2.0) which is sum of squared distances and coordinates of centroids.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Clustering for text data 

from time import time
from random import Random
import inspyred
import numpy as np

num_clusters = 2

doclist =["apple pear", "cherry apple" , "pear banana", "computer program", "computer script"]

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df = 1)
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(doclist)   

result = tfidf_matrix.todense()
print (result)

# number of rows in data is number of documnets =5
# number of columns is the number of unique (distinct)  words in all docs
# in this example it is 7, and calculated as below

data = result.tolist()
print (data)


def my_observer(population, num_generations, num_evaluations, args):
    best = max(population)
    print('{0:6} -- {1} : {2}'.format(num_generations, 

def generate(random, args):
      matrix=np.zeros((num_clusters, num_dimensions))

      for i in range (num_clusters):
           matrix[i]=np.array([random.uniform(low_b, hi_b) for j in range(num_dimensions)])
      return matrix
def evaluate(candidates, args):
   fitness = []
   for cand in candidates:  
     for d in range(len(data)):
         for c in cand:
            for z in range(num_dimensions):  
            if temp < distance :
         print (d,tempc)  
         fit=fit + distance
   return fitness  

def bound_function(candidate, args):
    for i, c in enumerate(candidate):
        for j in range (num_dimensions):
            candidate[i][j]=max(min(c[j], hi_b), low_b)
    return candidate

def main(prng=None, display=False):
    if prng is None:
        prng = Random()
    ea = inspyred.swarm.PSO(prng) = my_observer
    ea.terminator =
    ea.topology = inspyred.swarm.topologies.ring_topology
    final_pop = ea.evolve(generator=generate,


if __name__ == '__main__':

0 [ 0.46702075  0.2625588   0.23361027  0.          0.46558183  0.09463491
1 [ 0.46702075  0.2625588   0.23361027  0.          0.46558183  0.09463491
2 [ 0.46702075  0.2625588   0.23361027  0.          0.46558183  0.09463491
3 [  0.00000000e+00   4.57625198e-07   0.00000000e+00   6.27671015e-01
   0.00000000e+00   3.89166204e-01   3.89226574e-01]
4 [  0.00000000e+00   4.57625198e-07   0.00000000e+00   6.27671015e-01
   0.00000000e+00   3.89166204e-01   3.89226574e-01]
   833 -- 2.045331187710257 : [array([ 0.46668432,  0.26503882,  0.23334909,  0.        ,  0.46513489,
        0.09459635,  0.0012037 ]), array([  0.00000000e+00,   4.58339320e-07,   0.00000000e+00,
         6.27916207e-01,   0.00000000e+00,   3.89151388e-01,

1. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-1 Motivation
2. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-2 Numerical One Dimensional Example
3. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-3 Clustering Numerical Multidimensional Data

Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-2

Numerical One Dimensional Example
In the previous code Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-1 Motivation we implemented source code for optimization some function using bio-inspired algorithm. Now we need to put actual function for clustering. In clustering we want to group our clusters in such way that the distance from each data to its centroid was minimal.
Here is what Wikipedia is saying about clustering as optimization problem:

In centroid-based clustering, clusters are represented by a central vector, which may not necessarily be a member of the data set. When the number of clusters is fixed to k, k-means clustering gives a formal definition as an optimization problem: find the k cluster centers and assign the objects to the nearest cluster center, such that the squared distances from the cluster are minimized.

The optimization problem itself is known to be NP-hard, and thus the common approach is to search only for approximate solutions. A particularly well known approximative method is Lloyd’s algorithm,[8] often actually referred to as “k-means algorithm”. It does however only find a local optimum, and is commonly run multiple times with different random initializations. Variations of k-means often include such optimizations as choosing the best of multiple runs, but also restricting the centroids to members of the data set (k-medoids), choosing medians (k-medians clustering), choosing the initial centers less randomly (K-means++) or allowing a fuzzy cluster assignment (Fuzzy c-means). [1]

Based on the above our function will calculate total sum of distances from each data to its centroid. For centroid we select the nearest centroid. We do this inside of function evaluate. The script iterates though each centroid (for loop: for c in cand) and keeps track of minimal distance. After loop is done it updates total fitness (fit variable)

Below is the code for clustering one dimensional data. Data is specified in array data.
Function generate defines how many clusters we want to get. The example is using 2 through the number nr_inputs
The Bounder has 0, 10 which is based on the data, the max number in the data is 8.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Clustering for one dimensional data

from time import time
from random import Random
import inspyred

data = [4,5,5,8,8,8]

def my_observer(population, num_generations, num_evaluations, args):
    best = max(population)
    print('{0:6} -- {1} : {2}'.format(num_generations, 

def generate(random, args):
      nr_inputs = 2
      return [random.uniform(0, 2) for _ in range(nr_inputs)]

def evaluate(candidates, args):
   fitness = []
   for cand in candidates:  
     for d in range(len(data)):
         for c in cand:
             if temp < distance :
         fit=fit + distance
   return fitness  

def main(prng=None, display=False):
    if prng is None:
        prng = Random()
    ea = inspyred.swarm.PSO(prng) = my_observer
    ea.terminator =
    ea.topology = inspyred.swarm.topologies.ring_topology
    final_pop = ea.evolve(generator=generate,
                , 10),


if __name__ == '__main__':

Output result

 0.6666666666666666 : [8.000000006943864, 4.666666665568784]

Thus we applied bio-inspired optimisation algorithm for clustering problem. In the next post we will extend the source code to several dimensional data.

1. Centroid-based clustering
2. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-1 Motivation

Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-1

Optimization problem studies maximizing or minimizing some function
y=f(x) with some range of choices available for x. Biologically inspired (bio-inspired) algorithms for optimization problems are now widely used. A few examples of such optimization are:
particle swarm optimization (PSO) that is based on the swarming behavior of fish and birds,
firefly algorithm (FA) that is based on the flashing behavior of swarming fireflies,
ant colony optimization (ACO) that is based on the interaction of social insects (e.g., ants)
bee algorithms are all based on the foraging behavior of honey bees. [1]

Recently on different forums there were questions how this optimization technique can be applied to text mining tasks such as classification or clustering. Those problems usually use algorithms that come from data mining or machine learning fields such as k-means clustering, SVM (support vector machine), naive Bayes.

How can we apply bio-inspired algorithms for clustering?

Let’s take a python package inspyred which has many bio-inspired algorithms including evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, and immunocomputing [2]. This package has examples for specific predetermined functions that are used as benchmarks.

However the code also can be customized to run for user defined functions.

Below is the example of customized code for finding minimum of function f(x)=(x-1)**2, in this code function evaluate was added to specify how we calculate fitness. In this example we use PSO algorithm.

We run this code and we get what we expected to get. Below you can find also the final output of the program.

So now we understand what we need to change to fit optimization to different problems. Specifically we need to modify fitness function. Additionally we need to modify range and observer.
In the next post Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-2 Numerical One Dimensional Example we will continue to modify source code for solving clustering problem.

# f(x)=(x-1)**2 minimize  on 0...2

from time import time
from random import Random
import inspyred

def my_observer(population, num_generations, num_evaluations, args):
    best = max(population)
    print('{0:6} -- {1} : {2}'.format(num_generations, 

def generate(random, args):
     return [random.uniform(0, 2)]
def evaluate(candidates, args):
     fitness = []
     for cand in candidates:
          fit = [(c-1)**2 for c in cand]
     return fitness

def main(prng=None, display=False):
    if prng is None:
        prng = Random()
    ea = inspyred.swarm.PSO(prng) = my_observer
    ea.terminator =
    ea.topology = inspyred.swarm.topologies.ring_topology
    final_pop = ea.evolve(generator=generate,
                , 2),

    if display:
        best = max(final_pop) 
        print('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(best)))
    return ea

if __name__ == '__main__':

The output of program:

Best Solution: 
[1.0] : [0.0]

1. A Brief Review of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimization
2. inspyred: Bio-inspired Algorithms in Python
3. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Text Mining-2 Numerical One Dimensional Example